• Already registered

    The advantages of the patient when registering with the MEDAdvisor24

    • 1. Quick search of medical establishments in Ukraine and information about them
    • 2. Formation of the history of visiting medical establishments
    • 3. Reminder about the next visit to the doctor on the schedule of appointments
    • 4. Ability to learn about health insurance programs
    • 5. Leave feedback about your visit to the doctor, which will be taken into account in the future in the work / development of the medical establishments
    • 6. There are still many opportunities for patients

    Benefits medical establishments at registration in MEDAdviser24

    • 1. As easy as possible to use in work
    • 2. To place all necessary information on the medical establishments and doctors and also partners
    • 3. To place news, shares, special offers, to show loyalty to exceptional categories of the population
    • 4. State yourself as a member of the medical tourism program.
    • 5. To receive applications for acceptance from new and permanent patients
    • 6. Receive feedback from patients, take into account in their work and provide an answer
    • 7. There are still many opportunities for medical establishments


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