Technology in the service of health!!!


MEDAdvisor24 - is an innovative high-tech platform for finding solutions in the medical field for patients, medical institutions and other participants in the field of human health.

The idea of MEDAdvisor24 - our world is changing faster and faster and all of us are exposed to new stresses, challenges that cause deterioration of health and illness. At the same time, we have less and less time left for searching and analyzing the services that medical institutions can provide.

A team of like-minded people rallied and sent their knowledge to increase the availability of medical services for the population, as well as to provide an opportunity to use information technologies by participants in the medical services market.

The goal is to guide the achievements of the information world to improve the quality of people's health and the availability of health services.

Mission - search and introduction of new technologies to improve people's health

Philosophy - to be useful in critical situations.

Social orientation - to provide all kinds of support to unprotected communities and categories of the population. In the first place - the disabled, large families, pensioners, combatants

International partnership - to expand the opportunity for patients to choose high-quality medical services. Open new horizons for medical institutions and patients of Ukraine in the international arena.

The first stage of the project is the placement of information by medical institutions about their services, doctors, and the opportunity for the patient to request a reception using any device that has access to the Internet.



MEDAdvisor24 makes every effort to be an indispensable assistant to your health!!!


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